Drums Background Music
Drums background music became a very popular choice for commercials. From sports clothing, mobile apps, stores, beer commercials, there are drums always playing in the background. Moreover, it is part of thousands of YouTube videos. We bring you a selection of the finest drums background music you can license for your next video project or commercial. Let’s go!
Best Drums Background Music
Listen to our selection of the best and most popular drums background music for videos! The licensing link is in the description of each video.
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How to license tracks for your video
Licensing a track is very easy. Multiple license choices are provided, so if you need music for a big TV commercial, or just for a YouTube video, you’ll find the right one for you.
Licensing can be done via the WaveToys music platform, which is a very popular place to license royalty-free music. Be assured that it’s the most trusted place to purchase music licenses.
So, how to get the license? Find the music you like in the video gallery above, and go to the description. Click on the buy link which will take you to the WaveToys page of that track. You can read all the details, choose the right license and make a purchase. You’ll also get a license certificate which is proof you can use music 100% legally without any copyright problems. We also offer a subscription, where you can use our music as long as you are an active member.
Why is drums background music so popular?
In the first place, it sounds fresh, upbeat, and exciting. Which are the qualities you want when you advertise a product. Take a look at this Apple commercial. The music plays a big role in that video, and it’s practically built around the beat of background music. It really makes you focus on what they have to say. This kind of video concept is called kinetic typography.
Check Apple’s amazing commercial:
One more reason for the popularity is the fast and easy video editing. Since there is no melody, you can cut the track almost anywhere, and it will still sound natural.
For example, listen to the background of this drum music track:
And now, listen to what one of the customers who purchased this track did with it for his promo. It sounds like a different track on the second half of the video! And you can’t hear any unnatural edits, it sounds like it was recorded this way. As a matter of fact, it sounds great! Not only edits are smooth and natural, but also very musical and tasteful.
Check it out:
- Is this music royalty free?
Yes, it is. All our music is royalty-free, and you can safely use it in your video. Once you purchase a license, you’ll get a receipt and license certificate on WaveToys, my account section. If you’re not sure what is royalty-free music, please read this article to avoid confusion.
- Where can I download license certificate?
Once you purchase a license on WaveToys, you can download music and certificates here: https://wavetoysmusic.com/my-account/
- Can I monetize my YouTube videos if I use this music?
Sure, you can! YouTube only requires to submit a license certificate to do this. It’s a
Yes! As long as you are an active subscriber you can access our portal for whitelisting your channel. Each song will come with INFO pdf where you can access this portal. We will whitelist your channel in advance to ensure worry-free uploading of content containing WaveToys music to Youtube.
If you cancel your subscription, you won’t be able to use our music anymore. Videos that were already published at the time you were subscribed will remain copyright-cleared forever.
We hope this was helpful! If you have any questions about licensing our music, don’t hesitate to contact us. We respond really fast! Furthermore, please spread the word and share this article on social media and blogs. Equally important, leave a comment and tell us if we missed something!
Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube, so you don’t miss great royalty-free music and offers in the future!
Happy video-making!